Minor in Computational Finance

Declaring a Minor in Computational Finance

Students in good academic standing may declare the CF minor at any time by meeting with their major adviser; there is no department admissions requirement or application process required. Please see the Undergraduate Advising’s Minor page for additional considerations about earning a minor.

Minor Requirements

29-30 credits as follows:
1) Core courses: CFRM 405, CFRM 410, CFRM 415, CFRM 420*, CFRM 425 (15 credits) 
2) MATH 125, MATH 126 (or MATH 135, MATH 136, or equivalent) (10 credits)
3) STAT 311 or STAT 390 (4-5 credits)
4) Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA for courses applied to the minor. Courses must be numerically graded (no S/NS unless ECQ).

*Substitution allowed: ECON 424 for CFRM 420 (resulting in additional two credits earned). No other substitutions are permitted. CFRM courses taken cannot apply to both the Computational Finance minor and the Applied Mathematics minor. Visit our major/minor policy page for further information.

Note: CFRM core courses are typically held once per academic year. Students from majors outside of the AMath Department do not have priority registration and may register at the start of Period II for CFRM courses. Students should plan to take the core course sequence as follows: 405 in Autumn; 410 in Winter; 415 in Spring; 420 the following Autumn; 425 the following Winter.

Please contact the Department or email amathadv@uw.edu with additional questions.
