Elena Louca: A new transform approach to biharmonic boundary value problems in polygonal and circular domains

Submitted by Andreas Freund on

Speaker: Elena Louca, University of California, San Diego

Date: May 18, 2017

Title: A new transform approach to biharmonic boundary value problems in polygonal and circular domains

Abstract: Motivated by modelling challenges arising in microfluidics and low-Reynolds-number swimming, we present a new transform approach for solving biharmonic boundary value problems in two-dimensional polygonal and circular domains. The method is an extension of earlier work by Crowdy & Fokas [Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 460, (2004)] and provides a unified general approach to finding quasi-analytical solutions to a wide range of problems in low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics and plane elasticity. This is joint work with D. Crowdy (Imperial College London).
