Applied PDE Seminar: Ahmad Abassi, The semi-analytic theory and computation of finite-depth standing water waves

Submitted by Anastassiya Semenova on

Speaker: Ahmad Abassi*, University of California, Berkeley

Date: March 28, 2024

Title:  The semi-analytic theory and computation of finite-depth standing water waves

Abstract: We generalize the semi-analytic standing-wave framework of Schwartz and Whitney (1981) and Amick and Toland (1987) to finite-depth standing gravity waves. We propose an appropriate Stokes-expansion ansatz and propose a recursive algorithm to solve the system of differential equations governing the expansion coefficients, which is then implemented on a supercomputer using arbitrary-precision arithmetic. Under mild assumptions, we prove no exact resonances occur using transcendental number theory, although small divisors do appear. We numerically investigate the effects of small divisors in relation to bifurcations and sudden changes in the growth rate of the expansion coefficients.

Location: Residents of Lewis Hall can attend talks in the Wan Conference Room (Lewis 208) at 11am. The talk will also be streamed live via Zoom.
