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Published |
Vera Hur: Unstable Stokes waves: a periodic Evans function approach |
Alexey Shevyakov: Conservation laws, similarity reductions, and exact solutions for helically symmetric incompressible fluid flows |
André Nachbin: Capturing the flow structure beneath rotational waves |
Eduard-Wilhelm Kirr: Nonlinear coherent structures at the Fredholm boundary |
Alexei Rybkin: Hankel operators and the Cauchy problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equation |
Jason Bramburger: Snaking bifurcations in higher space dimensions |
Benjamin Akers: Dimension breaking and numerical continuation |
John P. Albert: Nondegeneracy of bound states |
Alexander O. Korotkevich: Inverse cascade of gravity waves in the presence of condensate: numerical simulation |
Doug Wright: Traveling wave solutions of the capillary-gravity Whitham equation |
Jörg Frauendiener: Gravitational waves and black holes: a global computational approach |
Zhijun Qiao: Integrable systems with peakon and cuspon solutions |
Raphael Stuhlmeier: Instability and evolution of inhomogeneous, broad-banded seas |
Deniz Bilman: A robust inverse scattering transform and extreme superposition of rogue waves |